
2022 Master of Fine Art in Visual Art. Institute of Art +Design at New England College. Manchester, NH.

2014-2019 Graduate Level coursework: experimental ceramic media. Miami University. Oxford, OH.

2015 Certificate in Arts Teaching. Cincinnati Alzheimers Foundation.

2002 Masters in Architecture. University of Texas, Arlington, TX.

1997 Bachelors of Science in Architecture. University of Texas, Arlington, TX.

1994 Culinary Specialist. Culinary Institute of America. Dallas, TX.

1. Creative Activities + Exhibitions + Publications

1.1 Fellowships

I have received a number of competitively awarded fellowships for my creative work. They have been catalysts for developing new lines of inquiry. The intense work at each artist in residence fellowship resulted in many grants, exhibitions, and publications. A fellowship often comes with a financial award (in payment, support, or in kind). The most important fellowships received for developing new directions were the Tyrone Guthrie Centre and the Virginia Center for Creative Arts (awarded twice).

2018 International artist in residency at Tyrone Guthrie Centre of Annaghmakerrig, Ireland. Award of approximately $3000 for travel, room and board, and materials: Duration 5 weeks, July to mid-August: The Tyrone Guthrie Centre belongs to the Irish State and invites internationally recognized established writers and artist (primarily from Europe) to live together and build connections that synthesize creative work.

2017 National artist in residency at A.I.R. Paducah, Paducah, Kentucky. Award of $2400 for room and board and materials: Duration 4 weeks, May:  is situated in the heart of the LowerTown Arts District, Paducah, Kentucky.  Since 2004, creatives from around the country and abroad have passed through A.I.R. doors to make the most of the space and a stretch of undistracted time. While all of the work made during the time in Paducah was 2 1/2 dimensional watercolor drawings the time here formed the conceptual basis for all following ceramic work. Instead of focusing on the religious/mythological nature of cultures—I narrowed the concentration to understanding every day tasks (such as fishing, walking, cooking, or watching nature—about all there is to do in this river town beyond quilting and drinking moonshine) and began to look at the regular and peculiar “myths” and sayings I have encountered as a transplant to the Midwest. Following this time, work had shifted to a much larger scale and is also being constructed in a ceramic medium.

2016 International artist in residence at Virginia Center for Creative Arts, Amherst, Virginia. Award of $1800 for travel and materials: Duration 4 weeks, June:  The Virginia Center for Creative Arts is one of the nation’s largest artist colonies and hosts national and international composers, artists, and writers. This is the second such award by the VCCA received. Notable other fellows of VCCA are Photographer Sally Mann, Visual Artist Grimanesa Amorós, Painter Cy Twombly, Author Naomi Wolf, and Composer Andrew Rudin.

Following the time spent developing new work in Virginia, I began to incorporate an understanding of mythology into my creative activities. The mythological diaspora of the American melting pot as basis for visual explorations. With previous lessons learned, I avoided making representations of the images of mythological beings (like one would find in iconography). Instead i developed formal operations which paralleled the connections and interactions of a mythological character and their colleagues (or adversaries) and the context in which the operated, in abstraction building on the representation techniques and theories in Synthetic Cubism. Thus the reason abstraction poses such an enormous challenge to the beholder is that it teaches us to look at art and design—and, in a sense, at the world—in a new way. Abstraction dares our visual system to interpret an image that is fundamentally different from the kind of images our brain has evolved to reconstruct.

Other artist in residences received

2013 National Artist in Residence. Stone House Artists Retreat. San Jose, CA.

2011 International Artist in Residence. Fondazzjoni Ćentru għall-Kreattività St. James Cavalier. Valletta, Malta.

2010 National Artist in Residence. Hambidge Center for Arts and Science.. Rabun Gap, Georgia.

International Artist in Residence. Virginia Center for Creative Arts. Amherst, Virginia.

National Artist in Residence. Woodstock/Byrdcliff Guild. Woodstock, New York.

1.2 Awards for Creative Activity + Scholarship

I have received international and national awards for creative achievements. A significant accomplishment was receiving an Award of Excellence by the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. I have received many awards from Creative Quarterly, an international journal focusing on promoting the best work in graphic design, photography and fine art. Their competitions are open to all artists, designers and photographers in all countries. I have received awards linking my creative work to design education from The Interior Design Educator Council.

International Awards 

2021 “Third Place.” Thirty-First International Juried Exhibition. Viridian Artists, Inc. New York, NY. Juror: Susan Harris Executive Board of The Brooklyn Rail. International. Juried. 61 accepted of 1100 submitted.

“Directors Choice.” Thirty-First International Juried Exhibition. Viridian Artists, Inc. New York, NY. Juror: Susan Harris Executive Board of The Brooklyn Rail. International. Juried. 61 accepted of 1100 submitted.

2020 “Finalist.” 46th Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition, American Institute of Architects.Dallas, TX. International. Juried.

2019 “Award of Excellence.” American Society of Architectural Illustrators. Jurors: Juanito Olivarria, architectural illustrator; Shannon Han Knight, SHoP  Architects; Maxx Burman, KitBash3d, LA, CA. International. Juried. 164 accepted from 520 submissions.



“Runner-Up.” Creative Quarterly #55. San Francisco, CA. International. Juried. 100 selected from over 2500 submissions.

“Architecture as Art: Best in Media Award.” Art Comes Alive 10th Anniversary Competition. Art Design Consultants. Cincinnati, OH.International 208 accepted from over 3000 submissions.

2018 “Finalist.” 44th Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition. American Institute of Architects. Dallas, TX. International. Juried. 40 accepted from 396 submissions.

“Runner-Up.” Creative Quarterly #54. San Francisco, CA. International. Juried.

“Runner-Up.” Creative Quarterly #53. San Francisco, CA. International. Juried.

“Runner-Up.” Creative Quarterly #52. San Francisco, CA. International. Juried.

2017 “Best in Show.” Rocky Mountain Watercolor Society. Evergreen, CO. International. Juried.

“Amy Ringholz Award for Artistic Excellence.” Jackson Hole, WY. International. Selection Committee.

“Runner-Up.” Creative Quarterly #51. San Francisco, CA. International. Juried.

“Runner-Up.” Creative Quarterly #50. San Francisco, CA. International. Juried.

2012 “Citation of Merit for Creative Scholarship in Art.” Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC). International. Atlanta, GA.

2011 “Citation of Merit for Creative Scholarship in Art.” Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC). International. Baltimore, MD. 

National Awards

2021 “Juror’s Choice Award.” GALEX 55 National Juried Exhibition. Joanne Goudie Gallery. Galesburg Civic Art Center. Galesburg, IL. Juror: Professor of Printmaking Oscar Gillespie of Bradley University. National. Juried. 77 of 712 artists selected.

2014 “Second Place for 3-Dimensional Art or Design Work.” Golden Ticket Competition. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Regional. Juried.

2013 "Representation Award.” Art Inter/National: Here and Abroad. Box Heart. Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA. National. Curated.

Regional Awards

2021 “Second Place Award.” IU EAST 43rd Annual Whitewater Valley Competition. Tom Thomas Gallery. Indiana East University. Richmond, IN. Jurors: Marcella Hackbardt Professor of Art at Kenyon College, Brigham Dimick Program Head at Pennsylvania University, Cathy Mayhugh Creative Director at Fitton Center for the Arts.,Regional. Juried. 55 accepted from 193 submissions.

2020 “Juror’s Choice: Honorable Mention.” Golden Ticket Competition. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Jurors: Melvin Grier, Award-winning photojournalist; Joe Girandola, President & CEO, Art Academy of Cincinnati; Ainsley Cameron, Curator of Asian & Islamic Art, Cincinnati Art Museum. Regional. 41 accepted of 177 submissions.

2018 “Second Place.” Golden Ticket Competition. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Regional. Juried.

“Juror Honor Award.” IU EAST 40th Annual Whitewater Valley Competition. Tom Thomas Gallery. Indiana East University. Richmond, IN. Juror: Peg Faimon Founding Dean Indiana University. Regional, Juried. 35 accepted from 102 submissions.

1.3 Exhibitions

Currently my work is often and intentionally disseminated in regional or smaller venues so as to allow for a more intimate conversation with the viewer and community. There were three group and one solo showing of my work during the spring/summer of 2019 scheduled and a major exhibition of my work exhibited in fall of 2019 at the The Alice F. and Harris K. Weston Art Gallery in Cincinnati active since 1996 (is a top non-profit gallery venue in the Midwest). Selections of work from the Weston exhibition and a related series have been published in many arts and literature journals.

1.3a Solo Exhibitions

International Solo Exhibitions

2019 “John Humphries: Rules, Recipes, and Mythology—Works on Paper.” Alice F. and Harris Weston Art Gallery. Cincinnati, OH. International. Invited.

2017 “Constellation of Drawings.” Emporium Center. Knoxville, TN. International. Blind Review Committee. Emporium Exhibitions

National Solo Exhibitions

2024 “Machines for Fishing the Subconscious.” Armstrong Gallery. Kent State University, College of Architecture and Interior Design Kent, OH. National. Invited.

2023 “Machines for Fishing the Subconscious.” Alice F. and Harris Weston Art Gallery. Cincinnati, OH. National. Invited.

2019 “Transformations!.” Columbus Arts Center. Columbus, OH. National. Blind Review Committee. Columbus Arts Center Transformations!

2018 “Watercolour Drawings from Nature.” Morris Graves Museum. Eureka, CA. National. Invited.

“Points in the Pattern of a Cloud.” McLean County Arts Center. Bloomington, IL. National. Blind Review Committee. 

“Look-up: Characters from Nature.” Huron Valley Council of the Arts. Highland, MI. National. Blind Review Committee.

2013 “Paper Drawn All the Way to Pixels.” Box Heart Gallery. Pittsburgh, PA. National. Invited.

Regional Solo Exhibitions

2021 “Seasons of the Midwest.” Imago Foundation. Cincinnati, OH. Invited public outdoor sculpture installation.  

2018 “Drawings and Data.” The Rosewood Gallery. Kettering, OH. Regional. Blind Review Committee.

1.3b Group Exhibitions

International Group Exhibitions

2022 “Machines of Deep-Time.” New Frontiers in Art, New Hampshire Committee for the Arts. Manchester, NH. International. Invited.

2022 “Machines of Deep-Time.” Contemporary Arts Center Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art. Cincinnati, OH. International. Invited.

2021 “Ananzi and the Leopard.” Digital Art, Assemblage or Collage, 2021. Las Laguna Art Gallery. Laguna Beach, CA. International. Juried. 50 .accepted of 180 submissions.

“Trilobitic Surface 001,”

“Seasons of the Midwest.” Viridian Artists Inc. Thirty-First International Juried Exhibition. New York, NY. Juror: Susan Harris Executive Board of Printed Matter and The Brooklyn Rail. International. Juried. 61 accepted of 1100 submitted.

“Calvino’s Ten Forgotten Cities.” Textures, Forms, Patterns and Shapes. Las Laguna Art Gallery. Laguna Beach, CA. International. Acceptance rate unavailable.

2020 “Thoth 001.” Art Comes Alive 11th Annual. Art Design Consultants. Cincinnati, OH. International. Blind Reviewed. 160 accepted from over 3500 submissions.

“Dream Pairs 1.” 46th Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition. American Institute of Architects. Dallas, TX. Jurors: Frank Jacobus Professor at University of Arkansas; Anna Puigjaner founder of MAIO and Professor GSAAP; Neyran Turan of NEMESTUDIO and Professor at UC Berkeley. International. Juried. 40 accepted from 396 submissions.

2019 “Speculative Temples—Mithras and the Broken Teeth.” Architecture in Perspective 34. American Society of Architectural Illustrators. WUHO Gallery. Jurors: Juanito Olivarria, Los Angeles; Shannon Han Knight, SHoP Architects; Maxx Burman, KitBash3d. Los Angeles, CA. International. Juried. 164 accepted from 520 submitted.

“Interiors/Interior/ɪnˈtɪərɪə/.” Stealth Futura Collaboration. Tyrone Guthrie Touring Exhibition 2019. Cavan Arts. Cavan Ireland. International. Invited.

“Mithras and the Broken Teeth.” Art Comes Alive 10th Annual Anniversary. Art Design Consultants. Cincinnati, OH. International. Blind Reviewed. 208 accepted from over 3000 submissions.

“Interiors/Interior/ɪnˈtɪərɪə/.” Stealth Futura Collaboration. Tyrone Guthrie Touring Exhibition 2019. Baileborough Centre. Baileborough, Ireland. International. Invited. 

“Elegba of Roads and Opportunity.” 42nd International Watermedia Exhibition. Water Art Society. Houston, TX. Juror: Watercolorist Andy Evansen. International. Juried. 60 of 477 acceptance.

2018 “With Orchids Landscape and Architecture.” 44th Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition. American Institute of Architects. Dallas, TX. Jurors: Maya Alam, University of Pennsylvania; Ada Tolla, Columbia GSAPP and founder of LOT-EK Architects; Michael Young, Syracuse University. International. Juried. 40 of over 200 acceptance.

“Six Through Ten Seasons of the Midwest.“ New Directions 18: 34th Annual International Juried Contemporary Art Exhibition. Barrett Art Center. Poughkeepsie, NY. Juror: Jennifer Ignacio, Curator, Pérez Art Museum. Miami, FL. International. Juried. 41 accepted from 705 submissions.

“Thoth 001.” Merged. d'Art Center. Norfolk, VA. Juror: Peter Eudenbach Chair Department of Art, Ol Dominion. International. Blind reviewed. 170 accepted from 500 submissions.

“Clawpod 001,“

“Clawpod 002,“

“Clawpod 003.“ Wearable Art and Surface Design. Lighthouse Art Center. Tequesta, FL. International. Juried.  

2017 “Fishing Collage #3.” Spokane Annual Juried Show. Museum of Arts & Culture. Spokane, WA. International. Juried.

“Myrmidons May Never Return.” International Watermedia 2017. Pikes Peak Watercolor Society. Colorado Springs, CO. International. Juried.

2015 “Landscape Constellation 010.” Living Stone. Galerie Ladislava Sutnara. Riegrova 11, Plzeň, Czech Republic. International. Invited.

National Group Exhibitions

2023 “Art by Architects.”Spaces Art Gallery. Cleveland, OH. National. Invited.

“Electron Landscape 002.” 17th Annual Emerald Spring Painting Exhibition. Springfield, OR. National, Juried. 64 of 300 submissions.

“Drowning God 004,”

“Electron Landscape 001.” April National Show. Jones Gallery, Kansas City, MO. National. Juried. 52 of over 450 submissions.

2022 “Trilobitic Surface 002.” Best of Ohio Traveling Show. Medici Museum of Art. Warren, OH. National. Invited

2021 “Pocket God 002.” Little Things Matter: small scale sculpture exhibition. Gallery of Art and Design. The University of Southern Mississippi. Hattiesburg. MS. Juror: George Beasley Director of Cleveland Institute of Art. National. Juried. 70 accepted from 526 submissions.

“Trilobitic Surface 003.” Emergence: Juried Virtual Sculpture Exhibit. Pacific Northwest Sculptors. Portland, OR.National. Juried. Juror Richard Speer, critic and author. Acceptance rate not yet available.

“Campsite Surveillance.” Axis Gallery 16th National Juried Exhibition. Axis Gallery. Sacramento, CA. Juror: Faith J. McKinnie director of The Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum. National. Juried. 48 accepted of 973 submissions

“Trilobitic Surface 002.” 2021 Biennial Juried Exhibition Ohio Arts Council. Riffe Gallery. Columbus, Ohio. Jurors: April Sunami of the Columbus Art’s Council; Jessimi Jones of the Philbrook Museum of Art; Kevin Lyles of Bradley University. National. Juried. 56 accepted of 1770 submissions.

“Calvino’s Undisclosed Algorithms.” A series of 10 drawings selected for exhibition. TIME Exhibition. Dartmouth College. Strauss Gallery in the Hopkins Center. Hanover, NH. National. Invited.

“Calvino’s Ten Forgotten Cities,”

“Campsite Surveillance.” GALEX 55 National Juried Exhibition. Joanne Goudie Gallery. Galesburg Civic Art Center. Galesburg, IL. Juror: Professor of Printmaking Oscar Gillespie from Bradley University. National. Juried. 77 of 712.

2020 “River and Clay.” John Humphries and Chi Meredith-two person exhibition. BTW MOMA Gallery. National. Portland OR. Invited.

2019 “Ananzi and the Python.” 2019 New River Art Biennial. Blacksburg Regional Art Association. Blacksburg, VA. Moss Arts Center. Virginia Tech. National. Juried. 45 of 385 accepted.

“With Orchids Landscape and Architecture,”

“Ananzi and the Hornets.” Saturated: An Eye for Color a National Juried Art Exhibition. Barrett Art Center. Poughkeepsie, New York. Juror: Michael Rooks, Wieland Family Curator of Modern & Contemporary Art, The High Museum of Art. Atlanta GA. National. Juried. 43 accepted from 1183 submission.

2018 “Ohio River 39.11° -84.45° 140m,”

“Ohio River 39.09° -84.50° 144m,”

“Ohio River 38.08° -84.78° 165m,”

“Ohio River 38.17° -86.32° 116m.” Tracing the Ground. Wavepool a Contemporary Artist Fulfillment Gallery. Cincinnati, OH. National. Invited.

“Product Placement Exhibition.” A series with seven original works of creative scholarship accepted. Raymond Thunder-Sky Gallery. Cincinnati, OH. National. Invited.

“Thoth 003.” Small Matters. Colorado Mesa University’s Art Gallery. Mesa. CO. Juror: Jared Steffensen Curator Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, UT. National. Juried. 45 accepted from almost 600 submissions. 

2017 “Gilded termites of the Vatican.” 44th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Exhibition. Evergreen, CO National. Juried. 75 accepted from 549 submissions.

“San Clemente al Laterano Rises.” Contemporary Abstraction. CORE:New Art Space. Denver, CO. National. Curated.

“Orphiuchus Falls in Love with Urania,”

“Orphiuchus Trembles before Aquila.” Golden Ticket. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Juror: Raphaela Platow, Director and Chief Curator at the Contemporary Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Regional. Juried.

“V Channel 003.” Back to the Garden. Ciel Gallery. Charlotte, NC. National. Invited. Gallery closed.

“Eurymedousae.” Anything Goes. Rhode Island Watercolor Society. Pawtucket, RI. National. Juried.

2016 “Landscape Constellations 004, 005, 006, 008, 009.” Contemporary Painting: John Humphries. Gallery Hertz. Louisville, KY. National. Invited.

Regional Group Exhibitions of Creative Scholarship

2021 “Contract for the Dream Sail,”

“Elegba of Roads and Opportunity.” Golden Ticket. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Jurors: Joe Girandola, President & CEO, Art Academy of Cincinnati; Ainsley Cameron, Curator of South Asian Art, Islamic Art & Antiquities, Cincinnati Art Museum; Jee Eun Lee, Assistant Professor of Ceramics, Northern Kentucky University; Mary Campbell Zopf, Executive Director, Muse Machine. Regional. Juried. 36 accepted of 249 submitted..

“Calvino’s Ten Forgotten Cities,”

“Separated by One Harmonic Module.”IU EAST 43rd Annual Whitewater Valley Competition, Tom Thomas Gallery. Indiana University East.  Richmond, IN. Jurors: Marcella Hackbardt Professor of Art at Kenyon College, Brigham Dimick Program Head at Pennsylvania University, Cathy Mayhugh Creative Director at Fitton Center for the Arts.Regional. Juried. 55 accepted from 193 submissions.

“Constructed Ecological Critters.” Welcome to: Uncanny Valley: an exhibition on the liminal and absurd.n Curator: Cushing, Sarah of University of Cincinnati School of Art. Campsite Sculpture Park. Cincinnati, OH. Regional. Invited.

“Separated by One Harmonic Module.” Survey Midwest Exhibition. University of Indiana Galleries. Bloomington, IN. Regional. Juried. 17 accepted of 50 submissions.

“No-pour Slo-pour,” HWD (Height x Width x Depth). Rosewood Arts Center. Kettering, OH. Juror: Matt Distel Exhibitions Director for The Carnegie. Regional. Juried. 28 accepted of 92 submissions. 

2020 “Seasons of the Midwest.” Golden Ticket. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Jurors: Melvin Grier, Award-winning photojournalist; Joe Girandola, President & CEO, Art Academy of Cincinnati; Ainsley Cameron, Curator of South Asian Art & Islamic Art, Cincinnati Art Museum. Regional. Juried. 41 accepted from 177 submitted.

2018 “Thoth 002,”

“Ananzi and the Elephant,”

“Potnia's Cavern is no Wound,”

“Six Through Ten of 49 Seasons of the Midwest.” IU EAST 40th Annual Whitewater Valley Competition, Tom Thomas Gallery. Indiana University East.  Richmond, IN. Juror: Peg Faimon Founding Dean Indiana University. Regional. Juried. 35 accepted from 102 submissions. 

“Folded Woman in Night Cloth,”

“Euromedusae.” Time Warp. Pique Gallery. Covington, KY. Regional. Invited.

“Twenty-six Through Thirty Seasons to Mark Time,”

“The Efreet Tied to Blood.” Golden Ticket. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. Jurors: Cal Cullen Curator Waveppool Gallery Mary Gray, Director Ohio Arts Council Riffe Gallery. Regional. Juried. 45 of 94 acceptance. 

1.4 Invited Lectures/Talks/Presentations/Interviews

In 2019 I was interviewed by Woven Tale Press about my creative work (drawings and ceramics). A premier online literary and fine art magazine, which is a hub for writing and visual arts, bringing together notable artists and writers seeking to share their work more broadly with communities actively in quest of compelling voices and compelling perspectives.

2024 “Educator’s Panel on Artificial Intelligence.” Invited panelist. Kentucky/Ohio Chapter Annual Conference. International Interior Design Association. Cleveland, OH.

2024 “Panel on Artificial Intelligence and anticipated impact on Interior Design” Invited panelist. International Interior Design Association. Hosted by VOCON. Cleveland, OH.

2019 “Look Up: the sky as a ceiling in an urban room.” Conference presentation. Interior Design Educators Council. Midwest Regional Conference.

“Rules and Rituals of Mythology in Watercolor.” Lecture. Alice F. and Harris K. Weston Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH.

Nelson, Jennifer Interviewer. “Watercolor is to Improvise or Die.” Woven Tale Press. 

“Transformations!.” Gallery talk. Columbus Contemporary Art Center. Columbus, OH.

2018 “My Mythologies.” Lecture. Morris Graves Art Museum. Eureka, CA.

“Look-up: Characters from Nature Gallery Talk.” Huron Valley Council of the Arts. Highland, MI. 

“Points in a Cloud.” Interview. McLean County Art Center. Bloomington, IL. 

1.5 Citations/Reviews

2021 John, Cameron. “Interior Speculation in Residence: Eden, Exodus, and Residual Traces.”PhD Dissertation Citation. University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Greensboro NC.

2020 Kemple, Steve. “Semiotic Overloads and Proxy Dimensions: Joomi Chung and John Humphries at the Weston Art Gallery.” Aeqai Journal: Critical Thinking, Review & Reflection. January. 

2018 “Artist explores nature and narrative.” The Time Standard. Eureka, CA 2018

Jacks, Ben. “Atmospheric Expressions.” Journal of Interior Design. Interior Design Educators Council. Wiley Press. Vol 41(1).

Erkan, Erin. “A Humane Touch in Product Placement.” Aeqai Journal: Critical Thinking, Review & Reflection. August.

Dillon, Pamela “Wood is Common Theme on Work of 2 Ohio Artists” Dayton Daily News. Dayton, OH.

2013 Brown, Daniel. “Emerging Artists.” Duveneck Society Annual Lecture. The Cincinnati Art Museum. Cincinnati, OH.

1.6 Publications

2021 Humphries, John. “Dream Pairs A, B.” Drawings. 10th International Painting Annual. Manifest Gallery. Manifest Press. Cincinnati, OH.

Humphries, John. “Process Objects.” Paper. International Photography and Light Annual. Manifest Gallery. Manifest Press. Cincinnati, OH.

2019 Humphries, John. “Watercolor is to Improvise or Die!.” The Woven Tale Press. Vol VII #5. 

Humphries, John. “Stratospheric Character.” Interior Design Conference Proceedings, Interior Design Educators Council. Minneapolis, MN. 

Humphries, John. Pravdivaia, Katerina. ed. ”Cloud Constellations.” Junto Magazine. press closed.

Humphries, John. Ely, Hunter, ed.“Ananzi and the Hornets.” The Tulane Literary Review. Tulane Literary Society. Tulane University. New Orleans, LA. Spring 2019. Press closed.

Humphries, John. Bayne, A.E. ed. “Efreet Tied to Blood.” Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review. Winter/Spring 2019.

Humphries, John. May, Johnathan. ed. “Cloud Constellations.” Pinch Journal. Issue 39.1. Spring 2019.

2018 Humphries, John. “Myths and Characters of Myth.” Chaleur Magazine. Madison, NJ, 2018.

Humphries, John. “Look-Up Verona 001, 002, 003.” Ponder Review Journal. Vol.2 Issue 2. Mississippi University for Women. Fall. Columbus, MS. 

Humphries, John. “Gilded Termites of the Vatican.” Esthetic Apostle. Winter 2018.

Humphries, John. “Material Drawing Narrative.” 2018 Interior Design Conference Proceedings. Interior Design Educators Council. Boston, MA.

Humphries, John. “72 Seasons.” 2018 Interior Design Conference Proceedings. Interior Design Educators Council. Boston, MA. 

2017 Humphries, John. “Termites of the Vatican.” Blueshift Journal. Issue viii. press closed.

Humphries, John. “Paintings for the Visually Impaired.” Abstract. National Conference for the Beginning Design Student. Cincinnati, OH.

2014 Humphries, John. "Landscape, Built Form, and Agrarian Spaces in the Midwest.” 50th Annual National IDEC Proceedings. Baltimore,MD.

1.7 Exhibition Catalogs

2020 Harrington, Dennis. John Humphries: Rules, Recipes, and Mythology—Works on Paper. Alice F. and Harris K. Weston Art Gallery. Cincinnati, OH. 

2019 Colcleugh, Keely, ed. Architecture in Perspective 34. Catalog of 34th International Exhibition of Architectural Illustration. Volume 34. American Society of Architectural Illustrators. 

2013 Horch-Prezioso, Tamara, ed. Architecture in Perspective 27. Catalog of 27th International Exhibition of Architectural Illustration. Volume 27. American Society of Architectural Illustrators.

Ferri, Vittorio. Domino 02: Aqua. Domino: Worldwide Distributed Art. Milan, Italy. OMID USA. Autumn 2013.

2. Grants/Funded Projects/Fellowship Awards

Several internal to Miami awards for funded projects have been granted. These internal awards focus primarily on the development and implementation of online learning technologies and techniques unique to the design profession (in particular is facilitating faculty extemporaneous discussion and the iterative investigations by students physically making objects). Who knew this would be so timely? Additionally awards have been given to fund creative scholarship endeavors among the most significant are the Aid to Individual Artists Grant from the Summerfair Foundation awarded for past accomplishments and to initiate new inquiry. From the Ohio Arts Council, three awards have been made from the Artist with Disability Access Program to develop and support projects one which used digital fabrication to experiment with ways that visual media could be translated to other sensory experiences.

2.1a Grants and Funding

2024 “Artist with Disability Access Program Grant.” Ohio Arts Council. Columbus, OH. Amount of Proposal: $3000.00. Review Committee: Blind Reviewed. Status: $2500.00 Awarded.

2023 “Artist with Disability Access Program Grant.” Ohio Arts Council. Columbus, OH. Amount of Proposal: $1000.00. Review Committee: Blind Reviewed. Status: $1000.00 Awarded.

“Rome Prize.”American Academy in Rome. Rome, Italy. Amount of Proposal: $40000.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: Declined.

2021 “Artist with Disability Access Program Grant.” Ohio Arts Council. Columbus, OH. Amount of Proposal: $3000.00. Review Committee:  Blind Reviewed. Status: $3000.00 Awarded.

2019 “Aid to Individual Artists Grant.” Summerfair Foundation Inc. Cincinnati, OH. Amount of application: $5000.00. Review Committee: Regional Peer Reviewed. Status: $5000.00 Awarded.

“Abbey Award for Painting.” British Academy in Rome. Rome, Italy. Amount of Proposal: £12000.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: Declined.

2018 “Rome Prize.”American Academy in Rome. Rome, Italy. Amount of Proposal: $40000.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: Declined.

“Gabriel Prize.” Western European Architecture Foundation, San Antonio, TX Amount of Proposal: $20000.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: Declined.

“Tyrone Guthrie Centre Fellowship,” Tyrone Center for Writing and the Arts, Annaghmakerrig, Ireland. Estimated value of fellowship award: $3000.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: Awarded.

2017 “Artist with Disability Access Program Grant.” Ohio Arts Council. Columbus, OH. Amount of Proposal: $1000.00. Review Committee: Blind Reviewed. Status: $1000.00 Awarded.

“Amy Ringholz Award,” Amy Ringholz Foundation, Jackson, WY. Amount of Proposal: $1000.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: $1000.00 Awarded.

“A.I.R. Paducah,” Paducah, KY. Value of fellowship: $2400.00. Review Committee: National Peer Reviewed. Status: Awarded.

2016 “Artist with Disability Access Program Grant,” Ohio Arts Council, Columbus, OH. Amount of Proposal: $1000.00. Review Committee: Blind Reviewed. Status: $1000.00 Awarded.

“Artist Residency.” Virginia Center for Creative Arts. Amherst, VA. Estimated value of fellowship award: $1800.00. Review Committee: International Peer Reviewed. Status: Awarded.

2013 “Stonehouse Artist in Residence,” Stonehouse Residency for the Creative Arts. Miramonte, CA Estimated value of fellowship award: $2400.00. Status: Awarded.

3. Service Activities 

3.1 Service to Community

2021-present Cincinnati Artist and Designer Support. Volunteer forum for assisting emerging artists and designers with networking, matters of marketing, production of work, entrepreneurship, and general support. 2 hours per week + preparation time.

2020-2022 Welcome Project Ceramics Workshop. Volunteer art workshop for Cincinnati community families. 2 hours per week (virtual workshop June 2020-May 2021, in person May 2020-present) plus preparation time. Focused on making the arts available to any and all ages. Funded by the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, JR./U.S. Bank Foundation.

2019-2022 Welcome Project, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2-5 volunteer hours per week working with Cincinnati’s immigrant and refugee communities on projects related to food accessibility, government representation and access, and other family programs.

2017-2020 Co-exhibition curator at Thundersky Gallery, Cincinnati. 8-10 hours per month. The gallery focuses on promoting and supporting local artists and artists with developmental disabilities focusing on collaboration with the artists of  Visionaries and Voices. Cincinnati, OH.

2015-2020 Docent for Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. 6-8 hours per month conducting projects and tours for Cincinnati youth.

2019 “Memories in The Museum: workshop for Alzheimer patients and caregivers,” Contemporary Art Center and Cincinnati Alzheimer Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio.

“Architecture as Art,” High-School Art Teachers Workshop. Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati Ohio.

2018 “Memories in The Museum: workshop for Alzheimer patients and caregivers,” Contemporary Art Center and Cincinnati Alzheimer Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio.

“Masterwork Painting Workshop,” Rosewood Gallery, Kettering, Ohio.

2016 “Vintage Washes: Watercolour Washes from Views of the City,” Contemporary Art Center Summer Workshop Series.

“Memories in The Museum: workshop for Alzheimer patients and caregivers,” Contemporary Art Center and Cincinnati Alzheimer Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio.

2015 “Vintage Washes: Watercolour Washes from Views of the City,” Contemporary Art Center Summer Workshop Series.

2014 Exhibition Co-coordinator. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH.

2013 Exhibition Co-coordinator. Clifton Cultural Arts Center. Cincinnati, OH. 

“Vintage Washes: Watercolour Washes from Views of the City,” Contemporary Art Center Summer Workshop Series.


Active fiscal development activity and community outreach in the arts and design community through contributing art work for auction or advising on arts education endeavors are maintained. All are non-profit organizations that have, in their mission is to support the arts or social justice, have core values centered around education in the arts and sciences like the Virginia Center for the Creative Art in Virginia, Hambidge Center for Arts and Sciences in Georgia,  Arts Visalia in California, Arts Wave (supports youth art in Ohio),Bridges for a Sustainable Community, and Clifton Cultural Arts Center in Cincinnati.

Professional Affiliations 

American Society of Architectural Illustrators

Transparent Watercolor Society of America

Interior Design Educators Council

College Art Association

Australian Association of Architectural Illustrators

Accredited Collegiate Schools of Architecture

Architecture Foundation of Cincinnati